Which republican debaters survived the marijuana question? Seattle recreational marijuana source

We knew the question wouldn’t be asked during the first republican primary debate. There was no way Fox News, who was moderating the event, was going to try and trip up any of their candidates But, with the second debate moderated by CNN, could we finally get a questions about the legalization of marijuana? Sure enough.

“Many people on social media wanted us to ask about marijuana legalization. Senator Paul, Governor Christie recently said, quote, “if you’re getting high in Colorado today,” where marijuana has been legalized, “enjoy it until January 2017, because I will enforce the federal laws against marijuana. Will you?” said Jake Tapper, debate moderator.

Here is the transcript of the debate for those who didn’t catch the candidates responses.

Rand Paul, by far, answered this question the best. Not only because it’s an answer that favored states rights to allow recreational marijuana, but it was also a well thought out answer.

Jeb Bush chimed-in and announced to the world that he ‘inhaled’ 40 years ago. His response was met with some laughter. This probably would have been a bigger deal 10-20 years ago, and may even have been considered political suicide, but nowadays it seems that everyone and their dog has consumed the herb at one time or another.

Chris Christie. Chris, Chris, Chris. Why exactly are you against recreational marijuana? You say marijuana is a gateway drug, but to what? Gateway to our prisons being full of non-violent minority criminals? Gateway for a hard-working american to have a chance to relax themselves after a 10 hour day at work? Gateway to an extension of freedom?

And Carli Fiorina, bless your heart. This was part of her response:

“But we are misleading young people when we tell them that marijuana is just like having a beer.”

Your ignorance shined true, and hopefully it won’t shine your way to the white house. Sure – as a president – you may allow states to determine if they legalize marijuana or not, but you are part of the problem if you continue to think alcohol is okay, and marijuana is not.

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