Let’s just say it’s 4:20pm in Denver and you just smoked the last of your favorite cannabis flower: Bubblegum Kush.
And then it hits you.
You have roughly two hours and a half to sober up and drive to the nearest marijuana store before they close. Even though Colorado allows legal marijuana stores to open until midnight, Denver – as a city – decided to be old fashioned about it and require stores to close at 7pm! Of course, you could go online and visit an online dispensary similar to https://cheapbudcanada.com/ to order but your county might be one that doesn’t allow home delivery.
Two and a half hours seems like plenty of time, but you just smoked an indica and the only motivation you have at this moment is to perfect the art of ‘not getting up from where you are,’ or ‘sitting.’
“Who wrote these rules,” you question yourself aloud as you continue to sit, dumbfounded, staring into blank wonderment.
And then it hits you again.
“I should have moved to Seattle, dammit!” you express aloud as you give yourself a classic face palm. “It would be one less thing to worry about…”
The closing hours of legal stores vary in Seattle but Uncle Ike’s Pot Shop is open until 11:45pm on some nights and Clutch Cannabis is regularly open until 11pm, and 11:45pm on Friday and Saturday evenings.
Next time you are a weed tourist, stranded in Denver at 7pm without legal options for cannabis, you will still have time to catch a flight, travel to Seattle, and even check into a hotel before all the pot stores close.