Summer Over? Who Cares! Weed-Vacation in Beautiful Ocean Shores Seattle recreational marijuana source


The essence of pumpkin spice lattes is in the air and every supermarket storefront in Seattle is overwhelmed by warty gourds. Fall is upon us! Though, just as there are those who never want to grow up, there are those who never want to leave summer. Many people are forcefully pulled from summer, kicking and screaming. If you fall into this category of human, I am here to tell you that you don’t have to give up summer! All you have to do is head to Ocean Shores, Washington, the Neverland for fall naysayers. The city is gorgeous and the businesses unique; if you follow this trip itinerary you will be in for a treat!



The Perfect Place to Rest Your Head: Grey Gull Condominiums

The drive from Seattle to Ocean Shores takes a little over two hours, so a day trip is entirely possible. But, really, you know you want to spend a whole day exploring the city and not worry about making the trip back to Seattle the same day. So don’t. Just check in at the Grey Gull which features individual, rentable condos. Opt for an ocean-view room on the second floor with a fireplace and unique furnishings, which may or may not feel like you are staying in your well-to-do grandparents’ home (not in a weird way, rather a happy nostalgic way, I promise). Once you have dropped your luggage and have sat in the bathtub to size-test (am I the only one who does that?), head out for the area’s finest clam chowder.


Credit: Yelp

When in Rome, Eat Fish and More Fish! Lighthouse Fish and Chips

There is this fantastic, tiny lighthouse which serves the area’s best fish and chips and clam chowder. A place where every guest is met with a smile and more often than not a personal conversation with the friendly owner. A place where dreams of crispy, not greasy, fish and chips and clam-y clam chowder come true. Lighthouse Fish and Chips is a local favorite that you cannot miss. The inside is small, but the hearts running the place are large and stomachs leaving the place even larger. After indulging here, head on over to a local favorite establishment to pick up a bit of an after-meal relaxant.



Get High With the Tide: Have a Heart Marijuana Shop

If you are reading this article, you most likely agree that marijuana is a wonderful night cap. You probably also agree that marijuana is the perfect night cap while vacationing by the ocean. Lucky for you, Have a Heart is located right near the ocean on Ocean Shores Blvd. This recreational marijuana shop is staffed with friendly and knowledgeable budtenders who can point all levels of cannabis user, from tourist to expert, to the perfect strain for the high they are seeking. Hook yourself up with some Purple Grinspoon or Cookies and Cream (one of the highest rated current strands for this shop) and cap your night off right.

If you are seeking my two cents (why else would you be reading this article), I think you should head to Ocean Shores next chance you get to partake in this aforementioned adventure. Please let us know when you do so we can live vicariously, and enjoy yourself to the fullest living in fall denial!

Note: Have a Heart is an advertiser for HAS.

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