State of the Green Marijuana Talk Show: A 4/20 Highlight Seattle recreational marijuana source

UPDATE: the State of the Green marijuana talk show is no longer active.

So, how did you spend 4/20?

Me, I had my trusty little pipe, a jar of sativa dominated hybrid named “Permafrost” from The Winterlife Cooperative delivery Service, a couch, nachos, and my laptop where it belongs on my lap.

And then it hit me.

I had been sitting in front of my computer for what seemed like an hour or eternity but it was neither. It had actually only been a few minutes. And the seconds were slowly crawling by as if each second was a snail medicated with morphine while traveling on the surface of a tar pit.

It’s funny how slow time can be when you are stoned and really looking forward to something. In this case, it was just minutes before 4:20 pm and I was about to watch the premier of the State of the Green talk show airing out of Capitol Hill Seattle.

I first heard about the State of the Green talk show about a week ago from the very popular Seattle blog After reading the article, I was really excited that these two individuals, Tim and Victoria, were so inspired by the passing of I-502 that they wanted to embrace it and be a part of it. So they came up with an idea for a marijuana talk show (while they were stoned of course) and decided they really were going to do it.

So after what seemed like another hour, or a couple more eternities of snail minutes, the talk show finally almost started. It was 4:22. Wasn’t the podcast suppose to start by now? I pulled up the browser on my website and double checked the Capitol Hill Seattle blog article. It stated clear as day: 4:20pm. I then blamed my computer’s clock for being too fast while I was trapped in Slow Land.

“Hello, and welcome to the premier episode of State of the Green..,” the calm but direct voice of Victoria transmitted through the speakers.

“Finally! Finally I can stop bitching about snail minutes and watch the marijuana talk show!” I shouted to myself.

Tim and Victoria talked about the myths surrounding the origin of 4/20, the “how to roll cross joint” viral video starring Seth Rogen, gave a shout out to local cannabis delivery services and the Stranger newspaper marijuana guide, and played a “get to know each other game” (created by Tim) while consuming cannabis infused gummies.

All in all the State of the Green talk show was a pleasant surprise and an instant highlight of 4/20. It is things such as this, that just adds to the excitement as we get closer and closer to the day Washington State officially opens its’ doors to the cannabis industry. A long time coming.

Be sure to support your local cannabis community and watch the State of the Green talk show next Sunday at the same time: 4:20pm.

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