Put on your best Vincent Price impersonation, because this is the spookiest, scariest, pumpkin flavored (not really) review that we’ve ever had! Boo! Gotcha.
This weeks review is of a strain called Sour LSD; the bemusing, and slightly terrifying name drew me in, and the quality of the product made it a must-have. We picked this herb up from Oz, located in Fremont, for the excellent price of $65 for 7 grams (tax included).

Sour LSD is produced by Rapa Nui hailing out of Lyle, Washington. Rapa Nui seems to be part of/owned by a operation called Pacific Land and Cattle; a google search yields a 502 data page. Not super informative, but whatever – the weed kicks ass. In this age of crisp, clean and SEO friendly webpages indulging what you want to see, sometimes the product just has to speak for itself.
Let’s look at The Specifics:
THC: 16.2% CBD: 0.10%
Total Cannabinoid: 18.9%
Strain: Sour LSD
Species: Sativa (Sour Diesel + LSD)
Smell: Stone Fruit + Banana + Skunk
Taste: Grapefruit + Pine + Sweet
Launch Point: Within a minute after smoking
High: Bright + Social + Creative

The nugs themselves are glorious, all crispy and crusted with kief. Marvel upon the product in the photos, for this iteration of Sour LSD is truly a sight to behold. The stalk was minimal, the buds were plentiful and the packaging preserved freshness.
Popping open the top, the aroma of citrus and banana is rampant. All marijuana smells good to me (to an extent), but I dare say that this strain really stood out. The taste was a solid blend of pine and sweetness, made even stronger by smoking of a vaporizer.

Since I obtained a quarter of Sour LSD, I was able to test it out in various occasions. This is a proven morning, and afternoon strain – not saying that you shouldn’t smoke at night, but the effects were more present during the day.
There was minimal burnout, which is convenient when you need to get stuff done, but want to toke a little something to make the day a bit more abstract.
Speaking of abstract, this is a useful jack-o-lantern strain; we went out, got some good looking pumpkins, and had ourselves a stoned carving contest (which sounds much more dangerous now that I think about it). I, of course, made a TARDIS pumpkin.

Regardless of throwing caution to the wind with the whole stoned knife thing, a bud with a thoroughly creative experience is often worth keeping tabs on. Rapa Nui has a splendid product here, and we are excited to try another strain of theirs in the future. Have a safe halloween, and try to not eat too much candy.