Marijuana Review: Skywalker OG by Monkey Grass Farms Seattle recreational marijuana source

Looking for a deep Indica high with functionality? Have a strong midichlorian count? Shopping on a budget? Monkey Grass Farms has you covered. This week we are reviewing their Skywalker OG (also sold as Skywalker Kush), which can be picked up around the range of $35/3.5 grams at various Seattle area pot shops.


We’ve reviewed Monkey Grass Farms’ (MGF for short) Tangerine Dream before, and featured a video of their cannabis nursery. Come to think of it, the Washington producer’s bud was the first recreational smoke I had. On a hot June day in 2014, I waited in line for 4 hours outside SODO’s Cannabis City just to get an overpriced gram. It was MGF’s Night Train, and at the time it was slightly underwhelming; understandingly so in the midst of a brand new industry coping with foot-dragging legislation, and a high demand/no supply scenario.

Now, years later, Monkey Grass Farms are churning out scrumptious nugs at a reasonable price.  They are able to do so by using “old school methods with the application of new technology to grow the best possible product in the state”, according to the website.

Also, on their site, it lists that MGF has over 30 strains available for purchase.  I do enjoy a good selection, and it’s exciting to see producers with such expansive product lines.


Now, for a look at this week’s Specifics:

THC: .32% THC A: 22.0% CBD: .09%

Total: 19.6%

Strain: Skywalker OG (aka Skywalker Kush)
Species: Indica Dominant Hybrid
Smell: Banana + Spice
Taste: Berry + Lavender + Pine
Launch Point: 3-5 minutes after smoking
High: Relaxed + Body High + Nighttime is the Righttime + Oddly Functional

This week’s specimen was allegedly born as a hybrid of Skywalker and OG Kush.  Typically, in medicinal cases, Skywalker OG would be prescribed for those in physical pain – from joint aches to head aches.  According to lore, the original Skywalker OG was basically just a variant of OG Kush that was favored for it’s Sativa-like tendencies.  There still is conjecture on whether the strain started as a gifted phenotype, or a cross-breed.  The world may never know.

Some really fresh nugs were present when I opened up the package.  We can see from the photos that MGF’s Skywalker OG is of a tropical green coloring.  The red hairs seem to amass in some areas, creating bumps of tuft.  Fresh marijuana is lovely, but I prefer my buds just a little more crispy; after popping them in a mason jar for a day or so, it turned out just right.

The smell was strong – yielding notes of banana, spice, and everything nice.  Even more so when put in my grinder, an added aroma of blueberry.  Using my vaporizer on the flower, the taste was equally present.  There was this lingering pine flavor noted by those that were enjoying the product with me.

Getting high with Skywalker OG is a super relaxing, yet oddly productive experience (for an Indica).  When researching origin stories and information, the phrase “Sativa like” kept popping up.  After smoking firsthand, the functionality and brightness of this strain are in line with a Sativa – and provide a balanced, euphoric high.

Y’know I really could have gone over the top with Star Wars references in this review, but I’m kind of proud at my self-restraint.  Yeah, you could do the whole novelty thing and watch the movies while smoking Skywalker OG – but that’s not what this strain is about.  Use this as your night bud: imparting enough propulsion to do stuff, and then lending a helpful burnout to coincide with bedtime.

Monkey Grass Farms’ flower has come a long way since my initial impression, and I’m a fan of that.  You can find MGF products at Seattle area pot shops like SODO’s Cannabis City, Ballard’s Stash, and Bellevue’s Green-Theory.

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