Prohibition Brands: Orange Lion Review Seattle recreational marijuana source

“What an age we live in” – as I smoked my bourbon barrel cared marijuana, I couldn’t help repeating this phrase over and over.  Legal weed, coming in various forms, including artisan alcohol cured joints?  The answer must be “yes, yes, yes“.

This week’s stumbling review is of a product we’ve had our eye on for awhile.  Orange Lion, a bourbon barrel cured joint made by Prohibition Brands Marijuana Blending Company.  We picked up the product from the rockin’ Stash Pot Shop, located in Frelard/Balmont (N Fremont/S Ballard – whatever).

It’s worth taking a trip to visit Stash, not only to check out their robust selection and bask in the friendly customer service – but to also visit the fantastic craft breweries nearby (Peddler, Stoup, Hilliards, and more).  Stash also has a location in Lake City!

According to the producer’s website, “Prohibition Brands specializes in luxury joints and cigars.  Our top-shelf prerolls are made with the quality of a fine scotch and rolled in small batches similar to a craft beer”.  Luxury joints?!  Quality of a fine scotch?!  For all your shortcomings, I love you America.

We first heard of Prohibition Brands several years ago when hey released this cheesy fun marijuana tv commercial promoting their brand. If you haven’t seen their video, watch it. You are almost guaranteed to have an opinion.

Prohibition Brands didn’t copy and paste, these purveryors literally invented the marijuana oak barrel cure process.  They discovered that it gives the joint/cigar unparalleled smoothness, and taste that can only be first class.  They are not joking.  Yes, the producer(s) are total badass(es) – it’s undeniable.  Can we talk about the product already?


THC A: 20.12% CBD: 0.11%

Total THC: 22.48%

ProductOrange Lion
Species: Hybrid
Smell: Bourbon + Pot Brownie
Taste: Toasty + Vanilla + Bourbon
Launch Point: Almost immediate
High: Relaxed + Good for Unwinding + Creative + Listen to Music

The joint has a nice mouthpiece, which I think is important.  Not many folks consider the mouthpiece, but it truly is the regulator.  I used to twist bones all the time, but not so much lately; Orange Lion has a taut grip, masterfully rolled.

Popping open the little orange container, there was a distinct bourbon and pot brownie smell.  It’s hard to pin down where the chocolate aroma was coming from, and everyone’s senses are different so I may be just crazy, but damn.

This is the kind of joint to use a match on.  A flash, a spark, and then a dull red beacon glowing in the night (or… unless… you’re smoking during the day, you know what I mean).  The mouthpiece guides the smoke through evenly, allowing you to pull at your own speed without the joint canoeing (burning more on one side then the other).

The taste is simply pretentiously put, unparalleled.  The bourbon barrel curing process is present, if not right away then after a hit or two.  Hints of toasty bourbon and vanilla, all lit up in a bonfire.  A marijuana connoisseur will notice it right away; “this is something different” says you, “this is something special”.

Getting high with Orange Lion was a super pleasant experience.  It’d been a minute since I smoked a joint, and the pure aesthetic of burning one down was excellent.  The high came on quick and heavy, leading to some much needed elation.  I clipped off a section so I could try it out of a pipe, and guess what?  Smokes great out of a bowl, still has the lovely taste. 10/10.

Are you looking for the perfect stocking stuffer?  Do you know a stoner who craves non-pedestrian products?  Prohibition Brands has your back, offering a variety of oak barrel cured joints and cigars.  Stop by Stash today, and indulge.

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