Marijuana Review: Lemon O.G. by Gābriel Cannabis Seattle recreational marijuana source

Sometimes, you hear through word of mouth that there is a killer strain worth checking out.  HAS recently got wind that Green-Theory (classy marijuana boutique located in Bellevue) exclusively sold products made by Gābriel Cannabis, and that it was not to be looked over.

We initially wanted to get the Pineapple Express as it’s a rockin’ sativa, but it was sold out.  Luckily there was one hybrid strain left (the rest were straight indica), so we snatched up Lemon O.G. – conveniently packaged in a lightweight jar.

The helpful budtender, David, told me that Gābriel’s product had sold out super quickly.  They were expecting another shipment soon, and recommended I call in to reserve for same-day pickup (part of Green-Theory’s member program Green-Elite).

Gābriel Cannabis really have just a singular goal in mind: produce and process the best possible marijuana.  Browsing through their Instagram photos, it’s clear they have some deep trichomes with their nugs – glistening with love.

Talking about the name though – Gābriel Cannabis uses a macron (as it’s referred to in literary terms) over the “a”, which indicates it has a “long sound”.  The resulting pronunciation just has an “aay” emphasis: “gaaebriel” (I think).  Enough about that, though.

Let’s look at the specifics for this week:

THC: 0.68% THC-A: 25.72% CBD: 0.1%

Total: 23.24%

Strain: Lemon O.G.
Species: Hybrid (Sativa Dominant)
Smell: Lemon + Hay
Taste: Funky Italian Ice
Launch Point: Pretty much right away.
High: Potent + Peppy + Munchies + Relaxing

The jar lid pops off with a pleasing plunk.  I do love a good jar, as it’s actively curing your weed even when you aren’t around… plus it’s reusable!  Anything you can do to cut down on waste, right?  Hell, I used to bring back the empty baggies to my black market providers.  Be environmentally conscious with your hobby.

Gazing upon the Lemon O.G. (both in real life, and in photo form) – it really does sparkle.  Underneath the coating of crystals a psychedelic camouflage of purple, deep red, orange, lime and dark green.  Truly some lovely buds.

After grinding it up, the smell is true to the name – super lemony.  Funky, too.  There is a distinctive hint of hay as well, nice little barnyard aroma.  The taste is similar, with strong notes of lemon, and a dash of sweetness; conjuring the taste of traditional Italian Ice, or Limoncello (but of course with some skunk).

Packing a bowl, I took a hit only to immediately get hit in the face with a bucket full of stars.  Lemon O.G. comes on quick, and spares no introduction.  From there on it’s your ride, take it wherever you want to go.  This strain is pretty powerful, so I wouldn’t recommend it to any first-timer.  Veterans will revel in the psychoactive properties, though.

Another attribute is that Lemon O.G. gave me the munchies, something that hasn’t happened in a long time.  If it can do it for me, it can do it for you – beware of your cupboards, as the next morning they will be bare.  The hint of Indica brings you back down to solid ground, giving a relaxing body vibe, and what I would describe as a smoldering finish.

I’m quite sure you’ll be seeing more of Gābriel Cannabis, as we would very much like to try the Pineapple Express.  But until then, the Lemon O.G. went above and beyond expectation – good strain, good night.

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