Marijuana Review: Burmese by Leaning Tree Seattle recreational marijuana source

Strain: Burmese
Species: Hybrid (Indica+/Sativa-)
Smell: Soil + Fruit Punch
Taste: Earthiness + Fruit Punch + Toasty
Punchy high that cements you into whatever you are doing.

Today’s review is that of a new producer (and a new strain) for High Above Seattle, Burmese by Leaning Tree.  This particular strain can currently be bought for $10/gram at Uncle Ike’s, in Capital Hill (they offer this deal on certain days, check Uncle Ike’s website for more info).

Leaning Tree is a producer stationed in the Columbia Basin, a location where farmers have grown hearths of orchards for years.  It is an area known for it’s sunniness, so it’s a perfect spot to organically (and environmentally) harvest recreational marijuana.  Leaning Tree has an emphasis their product being sun grown: pledging to “reduce our industry’s carbon footprint with sun-grown cannabis — the way mother nature intended”, according to their website.

Speaking of the website, it’s functional – yet could use some finesse.  In the competitive commercial world of marijuana, websites are important – but in the (all more down to earth) world of enjoying marijuana, product itself reigns supreme.  A website is really more about image, and Leaning Tree’s website works for what you need it for.

The packaging gets a thumbs up from me, as the back is transparent – allowing you to see the product inside (before you buy).  Frontside, the sticker tells you everything you need to know about Leaning Tree: “sungrown cannabis” for natural quality, and “cannabis orchards” for harvest abundance.


CBD: 0.15%
Total THC: 18.5%

Crispy nugs await you at the bottom of this package, and they are indeed “tanned” by the sun.  Deep hues of purple and green, a fair amount of crystals.  It’s only a gram, keep in mind – I’d love to see what a dense bud of this Burmese looks like.

There isn’t much smell, not a huge deal.  It doesn’t have to stink to get you stoned, no judgement from me on any front for lack of fragrance.  Deep soil (in a good way), with a dollop of fruit punch is the  best way I could describe it.

Let me tell you though, that subtle fruit punch aroma does a round house kick on your taste buds (which is ironic considering that the fruit punch would in all likelihood punch the tastebuds).  We sampled the Burmese from a Hot Box vaporizer, and from a mini-bong – both gave us a wide flavor profile of fruit punch, and toasted earthiness.

Now is usually the time when I go into what happened after smoking, but it wasn’t much more then binging on Game of Thrones for the tenth time.  What’s important (to you) is that Burmese from Leaning Tree gives you a punchy, drifting high – it’s heady, not much body juju going on.  One can get highly involved with projects, it’s easy to get sucked into whatever you are doing (“just one more episode!”).

It’s a deal indeed that Leaning Tree & Uncle Ike’s are giving us with this strain.  I’ll look forward to my next purchase from the sun grown producer.

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