Sometimes we sacrifice paying a little more in exchange for better quality, but who’s to say that stunning nugs can’t be bought for $10 a gram? Clandestine Gardens‘ Black Cherry Soda was recommended to me at Fremont’s recreational Have-a-Heart shop, the budtender was adamant about how good the product was – especially considering it’s price point. $35 is my ideal fee for an eighth in the recreational market, so I was pretty happy with this find.

According to Clandestine’s website, they only grow indoor. Harnessing LED lights, the producer adheres to tried and true methods alongside delivering strains that are distinct. Not related to the weed, but I found it amusing that their “About” section has staff bios that include celebrity doppleganger photos; perhaps a little goofy, but it shows character (and probably equates to a fun environment within the workplace).
On the note of just for funsies, each eighth comes with a temporary tattoo of the strain design featured on the package. Undeniably a novelty that in no way makes the product better, yet portrays a playful aesthetic that is nostalgic for me (I used to get temporary tattoo’s from things like cereal and candy, so it’s like youthful joy repeating itself for adults).

Enough 90’s reminiscing, let’s look at this bud up close:
THC: 1.0% THCA: 22.8% CBD: 0.2%
Total: 21.2%
Strain: Black Cherry Soda
Species: Hybrid (Sativa Dominant – 80/20)
Harvested: 04/13/16 (a month old after harvest, not bad at all)
Smell: Pine + Sweet
Taste: Berry + Earthy
Launch Point: 2 – 4 minutes after smoking.
High: Peppy + Balanced + Versatile
Black Cherry Soda seems to be universally praised. After a casual google search, it was apparent that one of the similarly experienced attributes was strong high with lack of sedation. A potent Sativa strain with no burnout? Man, this was a good recommendation. I had been on a Sativa-binge for a few weeks, and needed to shake it up. Apparently that meant I just needed the right Sativa, contrary to what I was thinking going into that pot shop.

The buds are dense, but crisp. There were some leafs present, but not all herbs need to be supermodel status. This isn’t a contest, it’s not about who trims or cures the best. To me, BCS looks lovely, though I can understand how elitists could view the nug-to-leaf ratio as not ideal.
Like a piney sweet tea, Black Cherry Soda has a homegrown smell. There’s nothing like getting some new weed, sending it through the grinder, and then holding it to your nose like a fine wine (super cheesy, but we all do it – at least that’s what I tell myself).

A useful strain, that’s how I’d describe it. Getting high entails nothing short of what the hype suggests: powerful, smooth, upbeat, and without a harsh come-down. It’s easy to sit back and relax, it’s also easy to go out and do stuff. Day and night, indoor and outdoor – the list goes on, bottom line if this strain is in your peripheral then buy it.
Easily one of my new favorites, I’ll be keeping an eye on Clandestine for Black Cherry Soda and more. One ca find their product at Have-a-Heart (Skyway/Fremont/Greenwood), American Mary (Wallingford), Ruckus (Capital Hill), and The Novel Tree (Bellevue).
Have-A-Heart is an advertiser on High Above Seattle. This is no way influences my perception or enjoyment of the products they sell. I go into all shops with an open mind, and a thirst for excellent product.