The Majority if Cities do Not Allow Marijuana Sales in Legal States Seattle recreational marijuana source

Marijuana is recreationally legal in Washington, Colorado and Florida. With this being said, the florida marijuana laws can change, as the use of medical marijuana can be a controversial topic for some.

However, the majority of cities and towns in Colorado, as well as many cities in Washington, have actually banned the sale of legal cannabis. It is hard to believe that individual cities remain so opposed to recreational marijuana after it has been legalized, even when there are places out there that similar to pg group who deal with the cultivation of marijuana. Placing a ban on marijuana is within a city’s jurisdiction, though residents of those cities still hold some rights when it comes to possessing and smoking marijuana.

First, let’s explore the reasons why many cities have decided to ban legal recreational weed. There are more cities that do not allow recreational marijuana sales or cultivation in Colorado than there are that do. But the states that have legalised the use of recreational weed have found that the marijuana sales are high, especially as there are many people who use this as a form of medicine to help treat their ailments.

Often times this decision to not foster the growing marijuana industry comes from the citizens of the city, rather than a city council vote. For example, Lakewood, CO, left the decision of whether or not to be a marijuana city up to voters and they voted to stay out of the industry. Many voters feel that marijuana is taboo and encouraging sales of the plant is inappropriate. Others are worried about the research behind smoking cannabis at an early age, which points to developmental issues of young people’s brains. No matter the reason, even after placing a ban on sales or growing, people in the “illegal” cities are still allowed to possess and smoke marijuana.

In Washington, it is for the best that cities exercise their right to vote on the sales of marijuana. It is possible that I-502 could have been written to deny individual cities the right to decide whether or not to sell marijuana, but the piece of legislation does not take away this power from local communities. Allowing individual cities to ban marijuana sales keeps Washington independent of federal law influence. If something was written into I-502 that did not allow cities to ban recreational cannabis sales, then cities could involve the federal government to produce a ban since federal law trumps state law, and marijuana is still federally illegal. Because cities are allowed to decide, Washingtonians have not had to worry about excessive federal restrictions on their state-legal cannabis.

No matter the reason, even after placing a ban on sales or growing, people in the “illegal” people in cities are still allowed to possess and smoke marijuana.

So, just because a person cannot purchase weed in Lakewood does not mean he or she cannot possess cannabis or smoke it. In fact, regardless of whether or not a city allows it, it is legal to possess up to one ounce of marijuana because ultimately marijuana legality on a state level trumps city-wide decisions. Though, cities that allow recreational marijuana sales have reaped many benefits.

Selling recreational marijuana is extremely lucrative. In cities that allow dispensaries, sales tax profits are exponential. Because of this, infrastructure and lifestyle changes are able to be made on a grand scale. Some cities choose to completely re-do roads and parks while others put the extra profits into marijuana education. Numerous cities have become very wealthy because of marijuana sales tax and have put this money back into making the city a safer and more impressive place to live.

Marijuana legality is multi-faceted and in many cases this is for the best. Allowing individuals to choose whether or not they want to legally smoke recreational marijuana, even if they cannot buy it in their city, is incredibly important, as is allowing individual cities the right to ban sales. Operating peacefully on a state and city level is necessary to keep the marijuana industry unique and wildly beneficial.

Is your city legal or has it banned recreational marijuana? How do you feel about this? Let us know your thoughts in the comments!

List of cities and towns in Washington State that banned recreational marijuana




Mill Creek



















Bonney Lake




Elmer City






West Richland








Elmer City


Deer park

College Place



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