Juju joints Review Seattle recreational marijuana source

The future is upon us, and the future is Juju Joints. Well… perhaps not the end all future, but certainly a product that could have only arisen from a futuristic era.

A Juju Joint, infused by Liberty Reach, is essentially a tiny vaporizer pre-charged with Co2 cannabis oil (.2 grams to be exact). It’s measured out to equal about 150 hits per Juju Joint.

Here’s a little history about the creation of the product, from Juju Joint’s website:

Developed by Marcus Charles (club owner and concert promoter) and Rick Stevens (innovator, creator, pioneer), this endeavor is a natural progression for two men who know a little something about good and bad juju.

Yes, this is indeed the natural progression of the recreational industry – convenience, portability, and discreet usage just like products that Magnolia Wellness offer. It’s a winning combo, and I’m stoked that these pioneers are at the forefront.


A pack of Juju Joints at SODO recreational marijuana shop Ganja Goddess for example, costs around $75. Each burst of delicious oil vapor is measured to release every 3.5 seconds of inhaling (i.e. a “hit” is around 4 seconds long); inhale for longer and you’ll use up several hits in one.

The cannabis oil was OG Skywalker, and it tasted like a piney-lemon-sicle. Did I just eat a lemon head? Nope, Juju Joint.

This author partook in the e-joint at many a local. The thing that really shines about Liberty Reach’s infused juju joint is the ability to hit it anywhere. It’s an on-the-go solution, it’s user friendly, and it looks like a regular e-cig.

Let’s make one thing clear – High Above Seattle is not telling you to smoke in public because that is illegal… but, we’re just pointing out the fundamental feature of portability.


Getting high with the Juju Joint depends upon which strain the cannabis oil is made from, but I’d generally recommend it to those with low tolerances and new-comers (atleast the strain we had). It’s best enjoyed as the “first smoke of the day” (if you will). Many casual users only smoke once a day, but if you are like this author – you have a high tolerance.

I found that if I’d been smoking earlier, the effects of the Juju Joint seemed less strong, kind of on the back burner. But such is the natural effect of the first smoke of the day vs. the fourth smoke of the day. The high when in full effect was heady and euphoric, the kind that makes you forget the very words you are speaking. Concentrates are pretty much the alpha of cannabis, and Juju Joints fully deliver a powerful feeling.


Will I be purchasing Juju Joints anytime soon? Hell I can’t wait to get my hands on another one. Liberty Reach knocked it out of the park with this simple, sleek and potent product.

Juju Joints can be found at your local recreational marijuana shop. This one was purchased at the beloved Ganja Goddess in SODO for $75 including tax.

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