Refreshing. A while ago we wrote about the importance of packaging design and how it caps off and helps captivate the buyers experience. Especially, when it’s something that was once taboo and with such a colorful history as cannabis.
The packaging design of a product, the design of an interior, or design of anything should not be taken lightly as all the pieces as little as they may seem, help to shape the industry as a whole and add color to it. Not only have we used the marijuana industry in Amsterdam as an example, but we have shown early signs of cannabis businesses and establishments in Seattle (and the surrounding areas) adding a little extra effort to help create an image.
For example, the Amsterdam themed farmers market in Lake City, the Green Lion Farms sticker wall in the employee lounge, the soon to be Legal beverages from Mirth Provisions, and the cannabis packaging from the once recreational Winterlife Cooperative delivery service.
So, yes, it was refreshing for us to see some effort by Avitas Agriculture to help make our industry even more colorful. Enjoy.