Saturday afternoon saw an hour wait in line at SODO’s Cannabis City. Conversations with the ones next to us helped the wait to go by a bit faster, as with the random occurrence of a transient walking by and asking the person in front of us if they would so kindly adjust the size of their hard hat (don’t ask), and a black market dealer taking advantage of the long lines to peddle his product (baggies of marijuana) and make a few bucks. After an hour, we finally made it, through the doors of the famous and historic Seattle’s first marijuana shop!
Our first reaction was of surprise and maybe a little of shock. There were only 2 choices of cannabis, both from the same farm, Green Apple. The choices were Hawaiian Dutch Treat and Purple Pineapple Cookie Soda Frosted Cherry Pearls. We were told they were both Indica dominant hybrids (80/20) but we are pretty sure the Hawaiian Dutch is actually a Sativa. We never heard of Purple Pineapple Cookie Soda Frosted Cherry Pearls strain and wonder if it’s a proprietary blend or a hodgepodge of cannabis.
The cannabis was stuffed in tiny packages. In fact, we thought they were sample packages where we could open them up and get a good whiff of the scent. Not at all. They were the actual product weighing in at 1.5 Grams Each.
But what glaringly stood out to us was that both choices of cannabis were only around 8.9% THC! We questioned the low THC content and the Cannabis City associate who was helping us didn’t hold back from apologizing that this is all they had to offer. If you check out this marijuana infographic we made recently, according to our research, anything below 9% THC is considered low.
Regardless, we purchased both strains of cannabis so we can do a review in the coming days. Upon knowing this, the associate encouraged us not only to do a review, but to be completely honest. Not just to inform the general public, but to inform the owner as well , James Lathrop, to help him decide what producers to carry and what producers not to carry.

Back at the office, we opened both packages only to discover that the contents were dry shake and similar to swag. In addition, the smell Hawaiian Dutch was very faint and the Purple Pineapple Cookie Soda Frosted Cherry Pearls was only a little bit stronger.
We were defiantly disappointed. Call us spoiled, but we were used to receiving large strong scented buds with high THC concentrations and no shake or swag, from Seattle marijuana delivery services like Winterlife and Club Raccoons.
Look for a review in the next few days once we try the cannabis.
What are your thoughts? Are you surprised at the low THC%? How was your first marijuana purchase experience?