All aboard The Goodship, a Seattle based producer of artisan marijuana edibles. High Above Seattle got a chance to meet the folks behind The Goodship at Green-Theory’s VIP Event, and we snagged ourselves a sea salt chocolate chip cookie (for review purposes, of course).
First off, let’s talk about The Goodship: the founder, Jody Hall, is a renowned baker – and she owns Cupcake Royale (Seattle’s first [and most famous] cupcake bakery & cafe). Hall partnered with the mad scientists over at Db3 (responsible for Zoots edibles and concentrates) – and the rest is history, delicious history. Db3 uses their state-of-the-art equipment to bring you Hall’s vision of an artisan, potent, provocative recreational marijuana cookie.
At the moment, there are 2 products available in I-502 stores – the sea salt chocolate chip cookie, and the saigon cinnamon snickerdoodle cookie. Coming soon, though, are chocolate bars: coffee & dark chocolate, and deep dark chocolate.

Looking at packaging, The Goodship has a focus on seemingly steampunk oriented travel. The sea salt chocolate chip cookie has a gold viking-esque ship emblazoned on the front, whilst other packages include hot air balloons, submarines, and some sort of funky zephyr.
We’ve touched on The Goodship’s intuitive, elegant and friendly art before – but it’s worth mentioning that having an iconic feel to your products is just as important as having a memorable name. Hall & Db3 definitely accomplished both prerogatives, in that they have a cool name, and lovely art to go alongside.

On the back of the package, there is a little notice: This is your Captain speaking. We recommend starting with a half serving to responsibly reach cruising altitude. Overdoing it can spoil the ride. A good tip of new comers, but I went ahead and ate the whole thing. It was 10mg of THC, and for me it was just the right amount.

As you can see from the photos – the cookies are a perfect toasty brown. The sea salt is delicately present, and adds a second level of crunch to the consistency. All and all it is a small cookie, don’t expect to fill up on one of these.
The taste is (obviously) that of a cookie, but with a slight hint of THC in there. The sea salt plays nicely with the sweetness, reminding me of Fleur de Sel Caramels. Taking a gander at the ingredients, it’s clear that quality is important – I also was happy to see that there was non-GMO corn syrup used. I’d imagine in the coming months that we might see organic and vegan edibles emerging.
After I ate the cookie, we went to see Avengers: Age of Ultron. Eating a weed cookie is the perfect solution to going to a movie, because the high keeps coming even halfway through. If you smoke before a movie then you’ve got to endure the lines, previews, and whatnot all at the apex of your high… by the time the movie actually starts, you’re burnt out! But with edibles, the timing is right on.

Of course, seeing a movie wouldn’t be my only choice of activity. Looking at this postcard I got from The Goodship, I’d like to be sitting out with my feet in the water, enjoying the sun as a panorama of mountains surrounds me. Then a magical steampunk zephyr-ship comes by and drops me a ladder, ushering me to the highest of highs. There is a whale, too!
Do yourself a favor, and sample this potent, decadent treat today. The Goodship products can be found at many I-502 retailers in Seattle, King County, and Washington state.